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Why Saving Water During Summer is Key

Why Saving Water During Summer is Key

Global temperatures are on the rise. 2015 was the hottest year since weather records began and 2016 is on track to surpass 2015’s record levels. No matter where you call home, extreme weather is noticeable and omnipresent, often interrupting travel plans and causing damage to homes.

California is dealing with drought conditions that forced water suppliers to curtail home water consumption significantly. Texas, Houston in particular, has been hit with massive and repeated floods following too much rain. Alaska this past winter was warmer and less snowy than Boston.

conserve-waterWater conservation is an essential part of modern living. Here is a rundown of what you can do to cut water waste this summer and do your part in conserving water. The bonus is lower water bills. Read on.

Improve Existing Systems


The bathtub and toilet are the largest consumers of water inside the home. Use of water in these items quickly adds up when you combine the number of people living in your house with how many times they bathe or go to the bathroom.

The average bathtub uses 30 to 50 gallons of water per bath while a shower only uses 20 gallons. Newer shower systems use only 10 gallons of water per shower. Likewise, modern toilets use 1.6 gallons of water per flush. Older models can consume between 5 and 7 gallons of water per flush. Updating shower heads and toilet bowls are two great ways to combat indoor water consumption and cut out the largest in-home users of water.


The next big area for water consumption and water waste in homes is found in the kitchen. Washing dishes, preparing food to cook or eat, and drinking water are three activities that require lots of water.

Collect drinking water in pitchers if your refrigerator does not have a water dispenser. Using the tap to fill a glass of water wastes water because before filling the glass, you run the water for a couple of seconds. Next, consider thawing meat in the refrigerator rather than using running water to prepare your meals. Lastly, run a fully loaded dishwasher to clean dishes

world-water-conservationLaundry Room

Many new washing machines have settings by type of clothing that add or subtract minutes to the wash cycle depending on the color, type of fabric, and dirt level. Make sure to run the laundry only when you have a full load of like items.

Indoor Plumbing

Hot water use and consumption in the kitchen and bathroom would be greatly improved if you insulate hot water pipes. Keeping water hot, especially when it is turned on, eliminates the need to run water until it feels warm to the touch.

Water at the Right Times

Time of Day

The best time to water lawns is early in the morning or late in the day.

Follow Local Rules

Many municipalities, particularly in areas where a threat of drought or drought exists, limit the days a homeowner may water their yards. Pay attention to the rules and only water during your designated days and times. The penalties for violations are costly.

If It Rains, Don’t Water the Yard

Listen to the weather forecast. If there is a chance for rain anytime during the day, don’t water the yard. You can also step on the lawn and examine it for moisture, if the ground is moist, wait until the next day or evening to water.

Collect Rain Water in Barrels

Place barrels under gutters around the perimeter of the house. Use the collected water to water plants and flowers or to wash your car.

Don't Overwater

Mind Your Water

Only use the appropriate amount of water for the task at hand. If the ground is semi-moist, only water for half the time, you would ordinarily water. Consider watering the lawn in stages rotating how much water is used depending on the level of sun exposure and shade in your yard.

Use the Right Equipment for the Job

Make sure you use pistol grip nozzles to stop water flow when using garden hoses.

rain-barrel-collection-systemKeep Your Water in a Correct Place

Outdoor Areas

Make sure when you are watering outdoor spaces, the water is landing only on things that grow. Make proper adjustments for sidewalks, walkways, and driveways so there is little waste outside the green areas.

Leaky faucets

Similarly, inside the home inspect it for leaky faucets. If you find any leaky faucet repair it. A leak of one drop per second equals 2700 gallons of water annually.


Whenever your pool is not in use, cover it. This limits water loss because it interrupts the evaporation process. Similarly, do not overfill the pool with water. Keep water level at the lowest point for maximum use and water conservation. Examine what happens to the water levels when people occupy the pool. The water rises. If any water leaks out lower the amount of water in your pool.

Washing Cars

Consider using collected rainwater in buckets to wash cars or taking your car to a car wash. Modern car washes, like dishwashers, use less water to clean a car than if you used a garden hose at home.

Update Your Landscape

The two most important investments to make in your backyard is to spread mulch around your flower beds and plant trees, flowers, shrubs, and grass native to your area. These activities significantly cut down water use and limit evaporation. Adding mulch to the flower bed area keeps it moist. Native plants require less water to grow because they grow in your area with the resources available in your location.

Schedule Home Water Systems Inspection

Whether you seek to reduce your water consumption or simply lower your water bill, contact Roman Plumbing Inc. at (727) 858-3412. We service the Murrieta, FL area, schedule a professional audit of your residential water consumption today.