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Spring Cleaning Your Plumbing System

Spring Cleaning: Plumbing Edition

It's that time of year again. It's time for some spring cleaning! Some look forward to this time of year, while others do not. We are here to give you some basic home maintenance tips.

Here's What to Do

You know that outside hose you keep on tap, especially for the spring time? It's a good idea to clean the pipes before turning it on.

It just shakes all the excess winter junk off. It's also a good way to be sure everything is still in working order.

Just give the outside pipes a quick clean. Once you turn the hose on, check your basement. Why? You want to make sure nothing is leaking inside.

Have You Ever Had Plumbing Maintenance Done?

They come in and do the job. They do it quite well, actually. The only problem is the hose tap was left on. This happens a lot. The owner leaves, thinking nothing of it.

The owner comes home to find a pool of water inside. Does this seem like the basement story all over again? In a way it is. This water will have a direct impact on all your other plumbing in the house. Whatever you do, don't leave the house without check thing stuff out first.

It's going to save a lot in damages if you do. It only takes 5 minutes. We waste that much in day by going on Facebook. Why not just that time and energy for something valuable?

Give Everything a Once-Over

Look at all of your faucets in the house. Look at all your pipes. Is there access water coming from one of those areas? If there is, there might be a leak of some kind. Check it out. If you notice something, call a professional.

Are your outside drains and gutters clean and free of debris? This is a serious thing you guys. If those gutters are dirty and nasty, this will have an impact on your house.

Are there bird nests in the vent pipes? This might look cute, but it's really not. Have this taken care of right away. What is the temperature of your water heater? Is it higher then 60 degrees Celsius? If it is, it shouldn't be. Your faucets should go any higher then 40 degrees Celsius.

Spring is upon us, which means it's time to freshen up your Trinity home. Give Roman Plumbing a call at (727) 858-3412 for all your plumbing maintenance needs.